Sunday, June 26, 2011


The Cheerleaders are selling Krispy Kreme Doughnuts & Coffee!! 

Prices are:
$9.00 Dozen Glazed
$11.00 Dozen Assorted (the store picks assortment)
$8.50 Krispy Kreme Signature Coffee 12 oz bag

If you are interested you can contact the Cheerleading Advisor: Tracy Sheets on her cell phone: 775-340-3872.
We are taking orders and need to have the money in advance.
Checks should be made out to THS Cheerleading. Doughnuts will be here on July 7th!!

Thanks so much for your Support!!

Friday, June 24, 2011


FACE PAINTING AT FARMERS' MARKET FROM 9am-2pm!! Bring the kids and have their faces painted while you're waiting for the Parade to start!!

Also, Watch for Cheerleaders pulling Wagons during the June Dairy Parade!! We will be selling Soda, Bottled Water & Small Bags of Chips for $1.00 each!!

Tillamook High School Cheerleading!!!

There are twelve THS Cheerleaders this year!  We have two girls that are "Returners" from last year. The rest of the squad & the Cheer Advisor are Brand Spankin' New!! 
We started this season with $0 and we don't receive money from the school. We are not able to purchase our uniforms until they are paid for. The estimated cost of the uniforms is $5,000 total. Our goal is to have at least one Fundraiser a week! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Face Painting at 2nd Street Market!!

The Face Painting Fundraiser was SUCCESSFUL!! 
Our profit was $87!!! That's Great, Especially for a Rainy Day!! 

Thanks to Myron we are Painting Faces at the Farmers Market this weekend!! 

We really enjoyed our visitors from the Eugene Chamber of Commerce!!

Carmen and her Brothers were our BIGGEST FANS!! We taught them a couple cheers!!

We ended the day with Pizza! Good Job Cheerleaders!! You worked hard!! Thanks Jason Castro and Adrienne for helping!!
And a Special Thanks to Brooke's Dad! He donated $50 dollars and let us paint his face!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Car Wash Fundraiser!!!

Working Hard!!
Carly & Sierra 
 First Fundraiser: Car Wash at Kephart's! 
We made $223.35!! Way to go Cheerleaders!!